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in Joomla Templates by michaelkrauth (220 points)
Hi, I'm the new one :)

I'm creating a joomla template with TT and it works very well, better than other products … :)

But there is one problem: My template is fluid and 100% viewport width and I need a footer with one module position having 100% width, but TT creates a footer with three module positons. Is there a simple way to create such a footer or have I to edit the source code?

Thanks in advance,

1 Answer

by philopos-soryal (140 points)

If you select your template to fluid 100%, open your project in Template Toaster > go to module position as you see from the photo I have attached and point with the arrow, and you can remove any module, but remember also resize the your  module Columns to make look tidy.


by michaelkrauth (220 points)
Hi philopos-soryal, thank you for your answer.
I figured it out but forgot to mark my question as solved and close the topic :)

Cheers, Michael
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