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in Issues/Bugs by

I'm not sure if this is a bug... or just lack of my knowledge of how to correctly set Lists in TT...

As you can see from the image below. My list displays correctly in the edit mode.

Yet, when you display it for real... It doesn't hold the format...

I've search everywhere and can't seem to find settings to adjust, tweak, etc. The settings within the Content - Content - Typography - Paragraph doesn't seem to offer many choices to tweak/adjust a Paragraph. What would be nice is something simular to the paragraph adjustment abilities within MS Word. Where you have numerous adjustment capabilities and a dynamic preview as an example.

I'd appreciate some guidance... Thanks much!

Bullet Points - Edit.png

Bullet Points - Display.png

1 Answer

by amcamx343 (140 points)
Did anyone find an answer to this problem? I am having the exact same problem/issue as well. Version 5.0.07518
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