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in Joomla Templates by
My first post as a TT noob - and (maybe-ex?) Artisteer user.

I thought it might be useful to share something which could be a bug in TT.

Joomla 3.2
TT latest version as of 06 January.

I built a scratch template with an inside-header horizontal menu, which looked fine when browser testing on my destop. But when exported and installed on Joomla, it was evident that the menu styling had gone awol.

I realised that the styling was only absent on menu parent 'text separators'. Once I had changed the menu item types to single article, the correct styling appeared.

As a suggestion, it would be useful to include css small-caps as a font option too ;)


2 Answers

by james (5.3k points)

There is no need to add text separator from Joomla back-end, you can apply it from TemplateToaster itself from 'Menu->Menu Button Properties->Separator' for menu items and from 'Menu->Sub Menu Item->Separator' for sub-menu items.
Thanks for the info James, that sounds like a useful design function in TT.

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