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in Joomla Templates by chroalja (120 points)
Hi, I must using my own Icons for "activ, normal and hover" in the menue properties for my page.
In which graphic format I should save my Icon that I can using the colour funtionality in Template Toaster.

Thanks for your hints.

1 Answer

by lisa-west (35.1k points)

In TemplateToaster you can add both .jpg and .png icons in the menu.
by chroalja (120 points)
Hello, thanks for your answer. I know that I can add different formats (.jpg, .png, .bmp, .tif, .ico .....) But the question is which Format is needed that I can use the colour funtctionalaty. That mean if I use a Standard Icons which are integreated in TemplateToaster then I can select different colors for hover, activ and normal. I think the program generate in the Background 3 different Icons with the right color but I am not sure.
by lisa-west (35.1k points)
Yes, you can add the .png icon for color functionality.
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