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in Joomla Templates by badastroid (140 points)


How to get columns or cells in the footer?
Is the only way to make a new module/widget-position?



1 Answer

by iceferret (3.3k points)
Hi again, yep I used module positions and some custom Css for the look then added some custom Html modules in those positions.Have a look at www.rsf.org.uk

is it something like that that your trying to do?
by badastroid (140 points)
Hi iceferret!
Yes, I mean something like you have on rsf.org.uk.
But now I've some problems with the responsive design.
There is difference between the 27" monitor and the 13" monitor.
At 1280 x 720px the columns are too narrow for the text inside.
On tablet and mobile is it ok.
I try it with 5 columns. But I think, that's not the right way for the responsive design.
My site: http://ibt2015.ibt-bewegt.de/

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