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in Issues/Bugs by caf2z (220 points)
Using TT5 (, finding that my site looks good on all except Apple tablets (showing parts of desktop view instead of tablet (sm) view).  I saw on one forum post that this issue was fixed in TT6.  Can I see a demo of that function working?  Don't want to spend the money on an upgrade if it doesn't fix the problem.  Or, is there a manual workaround that I can implement?  Thanks.

1 Answer

by lisa-west (35.1k points)

You can use TemplateToaster 6 with trial version.
by caf2z (220 points)
Ok, thanks.  I tried as lisa-west suggested and I guess TT6 doesn't solve the problem with Apple tablets, although TT says it does.  Will keep shopping for something that works.
by caf2z (220 points)
BTW-I just verified that it IS a problem with templatetoaster, not my website.  Switched template to Protostar (canned Joomla template), everything looks great.  Anyone there to help?
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