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in HTML Website by fambdebeurs (260 points)
lsorry, my english is not so good but I hope someone understand my question. I want to place a picture or change but can not. If I use a template and double-click an image then I can upload a picture from my computer and see this also in the edit window. when I am ready to print the image is not on the page.

2 Answers

by lisa-west (35.1k points)

Which version are you using of TemplateToaster?
asked Apr 16, 2016 in HTML Website by fambdebeurs (260 points) I have downloaded the last version
by fambdebeurs (260 points)
problem solved. my fonts set my Windows 10 had 12 points and grease and there by  OK button was in the editing window not visible, I have the fonts in Windows is now set to 10 point, normal, and now all the buttons and fonts are visible. it took a while before I got the idea.
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