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in Joomla Templates by michiel-vis (160 points)
I want to have 3 articles displayed in the frontpage.
1 article on 100% of the body width,
2 articles below that 1 on 50 % each.

But when I set it up in the template, and in Joomla, it still generates 3 columns. (http://www.auto2000.nl/index.php)

Is this a bug, or a setting that needs to be fixed?


3 Answers

by james (5.3k points)

These are for Wordpress only, for Joomla you can change it from 'Menus->Menu Manager->Main Menu->Layout->#Leading Articles' & from 'Menus->Menu Manager->Main Menu->Layout->#Columns' from Joomla back-end.
by michiel-vis (160 points)
I Tried, (see second part of the picture) but it still gives me 3 columns.... I'll go spam the Joomla forum then :lol:
by james (5.3k points)

Please see the attachment.

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