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in Joomla Templates by marius-chira (120 points)


I made three templates using TempToaster v5, then imported them to Joomla. This is the page that is not working properly: http://www.dara-live.com/index.php/shop . When I select a category or subcategory in the tree or click on a product picture, a white space is shown in the middle of the page. How can I remove that white space ?

I want to put Categories, Currency Selector, and Shopping cart on a single column, in the left side of the screen and the panel with pictures in the right side of the screen. I tried to re-arrange their position on the template, but no results.

I use Joomla! 3.4.3, VirtueMart 3.0.9.

I need some help, please advice !

Thank you,





1 Answer

by sarah (15.2k points)

Please use Left Sidebar Layout in Template design. Go to TemplateToaster -> General -> Layout -> Sidebar -> Left sidebar.

And place the Categories, Currency Selector, and Shopping cart modules at position left. Joomla admin -> Extensions -> Module Manager -> Edit Categories module -> Position -> Left
by marius-chira (120 points)
Hi Sarah,
Your answer helped me a lot. Thank you very much !

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