Thanks for the tip. however, if you delete ALL the text in the Title or Slogan, and then the edit box loses focus, you WILL NOT be able to enter anymore text. Manually editing the .ttr file will crash TT when you open the file to edit.
Why not make the .ttr file more edit-friendly, so that mistatkes like the above can be overcome.
In the next version, please just bring back the Title and Slogan text boxes at the top of the editor. The click-to-edit system, while well intentioned, just isn't working out.
My original post was regarding the Styling of the text. While I didnt change any of the prefix configuration for the sidemenu item in my Joomla project, a modified template/export "somehow" cleared up the issue. The SideMenuIcon.png image is aligned properly, and the Menu Name assigned in the Joomla administrator appears properly.
I have no explanation as to why it worked with v.0.25 of my template, as I changed many things. I all I can say is that it 'just started working'.