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in General Discussion by waseemnaikgmail-com (240 points)

Want to find out if I use the sample theme outright or make modifications to it, are there any copyright or licensing restrictions of any type?

Am I free to sell / install multiple sites, etc.?

1 Answer

by sarah (15.2k points)

There is no such restriction. You can use your own brand name. You own your themes.  Sure, you can sell the exported templates to desired number of persons. And there is no “Domain” or “number of sites” related restriction, you can create as many templates or themes and for as many websites as you need.
by dropusaline (200 points)
I need clarification on the above answer to this thread's original question, please.

If I use one of the free sample templates available on the TT website 'as is' without any modification other than changing text and images, can I then sell the modified template? Also, is there any requirement to keep the existing GNU public notice OR reference to TemplateToaster without infringing any existing copyright?

Thank you.
by lisa-west (35.1k points)
TemplateToaster is a white label software product. You can rebrand and sell an exported/purchased template with or without any modification, to any number of people. Also, you can edit and change all the references to TemplateToaster in your theme.
by dropusaline (200 points)
Thank you for your reply. This is one less thing to be concerned about and I can rest easier now.
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