in Joomla Templates by cucme411 (140 points)
I have a typical Joomla site with several pages.

I have a button on one page, when clicked, it Opens another Page that launches a JavaGame.

The App Runs in the Joomla PageFrame.

However... I need it to run in a Frame that is Full Browser Window, not within the Joomla typical Article size position.

I have a separate HTML files that can run my App in a BrowserPage that uses iFrames: 90% AppGame & 10% Banner.

But, I want to do this but from within Joomla site.

I guess the question is how to I create a Joomla Template that has a Position/positions that, in addition to existing pages, can be Full Screen 90% & 10% frames ???

1 Answer

by iceferret (3.3k points)
Sounds like in Joomla you need to add a custom page class to those particular pages. For full width set the page container to width:100%  After which set the content div to inherit!important for the full width page.

The other page, set container to 100% then content div to 90% and sidebar_right div to 10%

There are plenty of online tutorials on how to achieve this, alternatively there are custom css modules and plugins on the JED

Don't know if that's any help to you?
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