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in General Discussion by
Hi guys. Just found out this software. On paper it loks like a life saver solution for designers. I just have some questions:
1. Since there is no Mac version, is it ok to run it with Parallels or BootCamp?
2. Do licences need to be renewed each year?
3. Can the templates be sold online?
4. Is it possible to create themes based on custom grids and columns? This way, it'd be easy to display the latest posts in 3 columns...
5. Is it possible to create custom page templates for WordPress (portfolios, archives, contact, …)?
6. WordPress: Is it possible to add widget areas (not just in the sidebar)?
7. Joomla!: is it possible to add module positions?

Thanks in advance!! ;)

1 Answer

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
1- Yes
2- No(See 19th FAQ): http://templatetoaster.com/faqs
3- Yes
4- Yes, you can set it under: Content-> Post Properties-> Columns or Features Posts if designing theme for Wordpress.
5- Yes under: General-> Add/Edit Page Template
6- Yes, under Widget Areas Tab
7- Yes, under Module Positions Tab
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