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in Issues/Bugs by
Wordpress theme:

- When you display all meta information (post author and date), there is a missing space between "by" and the author's name

- In the posts listing, please could you style the link leading to the comments? (you know, the one that says for example "10 replies"). Right now, it is not styled at all, so even with custom CSS, it's not possible to style it. Assigning it a class would at least allow to make it consistent with the rest of the design, by using custom CSS.

Thank you! :)


2 Answers

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)

- When you display all meta information (post author and date), there is a missing space between "by" and the author's name

We have solved the issue in latest build( You can download latest version from http://templatetoaster.com/downloads/TemplateToaster.exe

- In the posts listing, please could you style the link leading to the comments? (you know, the one that says for example "10 replies"). Right now, it is not styled at all, so even with custom CSS, it's not possible to style it. Assigning it a class would at least allow to make it consistent with the rest of the design, by using custom CSS.

We are unable to produce the issue at our end. Please open a support ticket with URL to your website at http://www.templatetoaster.com/support/

TemplateToaster Support
Thank you very much for the update!

For the second point, it's not really a bug, but more a missing feature. In the posts listing, when we also display the tags and categories related to a post, there is a link leading to the comments of each post. The html code is something like:

<a title="title" href="link_to_article/#comments">
<span class="meta-sep">|</span>
<span class="edit-link">
<a title="Edit Post" href="link_to_post_in_wp-admin&action=edit">Edit This</a>

As you can see, the "4 replies" part is not styled at all (it doesn't have any class assigned to this text). Could you just add something like:

<span class="ttr_replies"><a title="Comment on Gratitude Will Transform Your Life Forever by John Cali and Spirit" href="http://www.greatwesternpublishing.org/gratitude-will-transform-life-forever-john-cali-spirit/#comments">

so we can style this link leading directly to the comments too?

I hope it's clear :) Thank you!
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