Thank you very much for the update!
For the second point, it's not really a bug, but more a missing feature. In the posts listing, when we also display the tags and categories related to a post, there is a link leading to the comments of each post. The html code is something like:
<a title="title" href="link_to_article/#comments">
<span class="meta-sep">|</span>
<span class="edit-link">
<a title="Edit Post" href="link_to_post_in_wp-admin&action=edit">Edit This</a>
As you can see, the "
4 replies" part is not styled at all (it doesn't have any class assigned to this text). Could you just add something like:
<span class="ttr_replies"><a title="Comment on Gratitude Will Transform Your Life Forever by John Cali and Spirit" href="">
so we can style this link leading directly to the comments too?
I hope it's clear :) Thank you!