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in HTML Website by cornmite (120 points)
When I click on 'More Templates' no new templates show up, apart from the first 4. Instead I get 'Loading Templates' with the Windows blue circle turning but no new templates appear. I left it for an hour but still noting happened. If I close the 'Choose Template' window, everything else seems to work properly.

It makes no difference if I choose HTML or Wordpress on startup.

I am using Windows 7 with all updates.

I am hoping to purchase, but if it will not work in trial mode there is no point in doing so.

1 Answer

by sarah (15.2k points)

Please check, if your internet is working or not in Internet Explorer. As, loading of sample templates require's internet connection.
by cornmite (120 points)
Thank you. My internet connection was working, otherwise I could not have sent my message to you. However, I reinstalled and after 15 minutes it finally began to download the themes, but very slowly. I now assume the problem is more likely to be at your server end than mine. I will try it again later today.

Thank you for your help
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