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in Joomla Templates by jp (120 points)
When I use Fluid Layout at say 90% width, the preview area seems to be shown to the Screen size and not the Window size. So when I use TT in any size other than full-screen, the preview extends past the window width, making it difficult to preview while editing the template.

I use a big 3K monitor and never uses full screen size - it is just too big!

Is there anything I can do to fix this?

If not, this should be a feature request.

1 Answer

by sarah (15.2k points)

Please provide some screenshots of the issue.
by jp (120 points)
I have some screenshots to show what I am talking about, but how do I attach it here?
I've created a ticket to upload the images - see Ticket #662192
Note: I have resized the images to 50% to enable you to see it better.
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