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in General Discussion by b-michilsen (240 points)

I want to know if i can make a template in Template Toaster that is suitable for Hikashop?
There are templates you can buy for Hikashop that have been optimized for account/shipping/handling/cart options.
Is this possible to make those pages in Template Toaster?
Hikashop is an extension for Joomla, but when i try to make a joomla template in TT, i do not know where to find the options for the cart layout and shipping/handling layout and so on....

1 Answer

by sarah (15.2k points)
edited by sarah

Please suggest the requested feature on our uservoice and it'll be automatically added to our wish list based on votes: http://templatetoaster.uservoice.com/forums/220470-general
by b-michilsen (240 points)
Hi Sarah,

Thanks for your answer. I would like to request the feature on your uservoice but i am unable to log in when i click on the link.
My password or username is not recognized.
I used my username and password i have had for TT, but that didn't work.
Do i have to register anywhere to get the credentials for osTicket?
by sarah (15.2k points)
Sorry for the inconvenience. Please try to login now.
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