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in General Discussion by sanne (160 points)
edited by sanne

If i make a presta shop with TT how can i make the conection with the pruducts..and the buy button...how i make it happened to be buy and go to checkout. Do i need to know to make any codes behinde that or anyone knows how i do that?

Is this then going to be like a wordpress theme?

Anyone who build one before and can help me with the connections to checkout and so on...?
And serchwords for every pruducts to prestashop.....how  is it biuld in in a prestashop?

Meny thanks for every help i can get!!

1 Answer

by james (5.3k points)

You don't need to do any kind of coding for products,buy now button, for searching products using keyword and checkout, all this works automatically in Prestashop.You just need to add products according to the categories through the admin panel.Later on, if you face any problem you can contact us through our Customer support.For brief information about Prestashop you can read the documentation on how to use it, through this link http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS16/User+Guide
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