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in Issues/Bugs by marcotravaglio (160 points)
good evening I encountered the following error clicking on "category" within articles "Undefined property: stdClass::$content in .......templates\system\html\modules.php on line 16 category non found. I have created this category, but not found.
help me to solve the problem? thanks

3 Answers

by james (5.3k points)

Please provide us with the URL to your website as it is working fine at our end.
by marcotravaglio (160 points)
hi I created a template and I created the category "test" if you notice entering the category, and clicking to "test" me back in the category with an error, also within it there are no navigation buttons.
the url: http://www.serviziascolisatriano.it/
by james (5.3k points)

We are unable to see any error by clicking on Category test.
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