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in Joomla Templates by mkwdmike (2.0k points)


Trying to display modules in responsive view only. That is in mobile phone view.


Can anyone steer me in the right direction?



2 Answers

by sarah (15.2k points)

You can easily do this at Joomla backend. As TemplateToaster provides the bootstrap support, so you can add these classes ' hidden-lg hidden-md hidden-sm visible-xs ' in Module class suffix for modules.

Go to joomla admin -> Extensions -> Module Manager -> Click on your module (for example search module) -> Advanced -> Module class suffix -> add these classes " hidden-lg hidden-md hidden-sm visible-xs " -> Save
by mkwdmike (2.0k points)
I don't see how that works or understand it.

mean the module positions as per the template, not the mods in joomla backend.

Thanks anyway, I'll just muddle through
by onlinem (180 points)

I found this post and yes it works :-)

But i want to hide only the mobile view and show it on all other devices.

So i try the othe way:

visible-lg visible-md visiblen-sm hidden-xs

But this do not work!

Where is my mistake?
by lisa-west (35.1k points)
edited by lisa-west
TemplateToaster latest version i.e V7  now provides an option to hide module position for tablet and mobile view accordingly. To achieve this please follow the steps provided below:

Go to TemplateToaster -> Module positions -> Apply module position as per your requirement.
Now, go to mobile view. Module Position -> Select module position -> delete module position by clicking minus(-) sign under position cell tab.

After export place module on that position and check for mobile view.
by teddydebehr (200 points)
I´ve made it with following:
visible-lg hidden-md hidden-sm hidden-xs
then the module will be showed only on desktop.
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