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in Joomla Templates by zb333zb (120 points)

How can I change look of search module(for example), I mean, change its vertical type to horozontal type and place it into th header. fisrt of all I need to change the position of the button relating to the input form. Because I tried to add search module into module position in the header, but the button was on the left relating to the input form, and any changing button position in admin panel didn't help. what should i do?


here is an image that explains what is wrong. there is a module position. then input form in it and a button that musy be on the right. Yes it is. But text "Искать" appears on the left. It must be written in th button.




here you can how it looks vertical. All is the same. text "Искать" must be in the button that is in the bottom. How can I fix it? In template toaster 5 it looks right

1 Answer

by lisa-west (35.1k points)
Hi, Please open a support ticket with all the details, ttr file and link of the website, here: http://templatetoaster.com/support
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