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in Joomla Templates by juanromero27 (160 points)

1 Answer

by sarah (15.2k points)

Please let us know if the issue is occurring in TemplateToaster  or it is after export. If possible, please share some details like screenshot of the issue and url to your site.
by conte (320 points)
I've had the same problem.
The issue occurs only on the exported template and not internally to TT.

I fixed it with this CSS:

.nav.ttr_menu_items li a.ttr_menu_items_parent_link_arrow, .nav.ttr_menu_items li span.separator.ttr_menu_items_parent_link_arrow {
  padding-top: 0 !important;
  padding-bottom: 0 !important;

I don't know if it depends on a TT bug or a wrong setting in TT (which I haven't found) but this CSS seems to fix it removing vertical padding from these elements.
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