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in General Discussion by sjp (260 points)
Why wont Template toaster 6 on Mac activate via Parallels? (windows 7 Pro)

1 Answer

by sarah (15.2k points)

We have generated the issue at our end. And very soon provide you the latest build.
by sjp (260 points)
how soon as I want to use the product? is it a big problem?
by sjp (260 points)
I CANT even re-activate it on a PC as it says LIMIT has been reached?!? I dont have it activated on any other PC's? I thought I can activate it on a maximum of two PC's but I cant activate on any?
by ayjayr (140 points)
edited by ayjayr

I'm having the same problem under VMWare Fusion 7.1.2 PRO & Win 10.

I had one of two licences used (TT5 installed in this VM some time ago) and just attempted the TT6 install.

Activation fails, and then indicates that it used a licence, but it is still a trial version.

Your assistance with this would be appreciated
by sarah (15.2k points)

Sorry for the inconvenience, our development team is working on this issue. And very soon provide the build to you.

@ayjayr - Please open a ticket at support http://templatetoaster.com/support , so that we can set the activation limit for you.
by sarah (15.2k points)

We have solved the issue in latest build( You can download latest version from http://templatetoaster.com/downloads/TemplateToaster.exe
by sjp (260 points)
You guys are the BEST!! Thank you for the NEW build to solve this issue!! now THAT is service!! worth every penny!! :) Thank you guys!! it deserves a social media THUMBS UP! :)
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