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in Joomla Templates by dehavill (160 points)
I am having problems styling a joomla module. Template toaster Ver: / Joomla Ver 3.4.5. I created 4 modules side-by-side and attempted to style each. My goal was to 4 modules with a solid light gray background, however many attempts only yielded 4 boxes with borders only. A little research indicated I should use a "module class suffix" equal to "color4". This resulted in the lower past of the module being a gray, however the top title section was still white.

I have a couple of questions ...

1) Can I produce a solid color module in TT or must i resort to Joomla CSS?

2) If I must resort to Joomla CSS to style the Module "boxes", Where do I find the appropriate CSS? (I examined the template CSS with no success)

3) I would like to change Module color with a "hover" ... could you point me to the appropriate CSS to accomplish this.

Many Thanks for you Help.

1 Answer

by sarah (15.2k points)

You can style the Module's at Templatetoaster -> Module Positions. Here you can set the  Background, Border, Margin and Padding for these module's.

After export, when you assign the module to these positions, make sure that you have set the style option none for these module positions. Joomla admin -> Extensions -> Template Manager -> Default template -> Style options -> your defined module position -> None -> Save.

Well, you can provide the module class suffix to the modules at Joomla backend and add the custom css for these class suffixes at TemplateToaster -> general -> Css,  which will automatically get included in the template.css file.
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