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in Joomla Templates by
I have taken the plunge and invested in the pro version in a hope that the software continues to keep improving.
I have noticed a couple of things that don't work correctly for me.

1. In the colour picker the hex values seem to be 8digits, when any other software i use and colour pickers etc it only uses 6.

2. In the body background i can't set a colour and an image, only one or the other. An example of this is where i have an image fading to a solid colour as the background. I then can't set the background to be the same as the fadeout colour, so this means that there is then a band that goes across the page. I could use a huge background image which isn't how it should be done s it will increase the file size and there can also still be a limitation on the height of the page before the band appears again.

Hopefully one or both these can be updated in a future release.

1 Answer

by niall (540 points)

The syntax used by TT for colors is ##TTXXXXXX
The first two TT = Transparency, others use #XXXXXXTT

As for the background image, there are some features still missing from TT. Hopefully they are implemented soon. :(
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