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in Issues/Bugs by cyberben3d (820 points)
This is something that I've never had happen to me before. I saved a project, then hovered over the theme colors to preview some different colors. When I stopped hovering my colors didn't return to the way they were before even though I hadn't selected any new colors. I tried hitting undo several times but it wasn't working. Then I decided to close program and reopen it since I had saved the project with the correct colors. It asked me if I wanted to save and I hit No. When I reopened the program and tried to open the file from the recent files list I got an error: "File does not exist". I looked in the folder and it was gone! Nooo! That was days of work :( I checked the recycle bin too. I'm going to look for an unerase program.



6 Answers

by cyberben3d (820 points)
No luck recovering it. That's okay I save incremental versions and I can fix it.
by cyberben3d (820 points)
This turned out to be a problem with the project file specifically. The file didn't disappear, it was never saved to begin with even though it appeared to be saving, the file wasn't written to disk. My project has somehow become corrupt. TemplateToaster support confirmed it as a bug which will be fixed in the next release.
I had the same issue here is the reply

We are sorry for the inconvenience. The issue was shipped in a particular version( We have solved the issue in latest build( You can download latest version from http://templatetoaster.com/downloads/TemplateToaster.exe
by cyberben3d (820 points)
This problem is still here and yes I'm using

Now when you hit Save As and write to a new file it makes the new file, but subsequent changes are NOT SAVED to that file. They aren't necessarily saved to the previous file either. I just did a test opening a file named 006.ttr, saving out a file named 007.ttr, then making some color changes and hitting the save icon. When I closed TT and looked at the files the changes were NOT saved to 007.ttr, NOT saved to 006.ttr, but WERE saved to 005.ttr which I hadn't even opened during the previous session. This needs to be fixed immediately as anyone who is working with this version could be writing over old files without even knowing it. I do NOT recommend working with this version.

This is easy to reproduce just open a blank wordpress template, save it as 001. Then save as 002, make some changes and hit save. The changes will be applied to 001 and not 002.
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)

We have solved the Save as issue. We will provide a fix in next update.

TemplateToaster Support
by cyberben3d (820 points)
This issue appears to be fixed in the latest update. (Version: Thank you!
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