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in Joomla Templates by vieuxcampus (120 points)
testing the new version, I'm just trying to show k2 content in the content area. It's not working and I cannot see anywhere, some instructions to achieve this.
So can you help ?
thanks a lot

3 Answers

by james (5.3k points)

Please apply 'K2-content' in a module position above content.
by frickx (180 points)
How works TemplateToaster with K2 or how to configure?
is it compatible?

Please a bit explanation, thanks

by james (5.3k points)

It is compatible with TemplateToaster.
From Joomla back-end, go to 'Module Manager' and place your 'K2 content' Module on any of the desired 'Module Position' of your default theme.
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