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in Joomla Templates by nige (120 points)
Hi, I am placing foreground images in the header section. They look fine in desktop view, but they do not display correctly in responsive  mobile or tablet view,

I would like to be able to scale the images so that they scale down to fit the header.

Is there a way I can do this from within Template Toaster?


Nige . . . . .

1 Answer

by james (5.3k points)

Yes, you can scale the image for each view separately, for this all three tabs Desktop/Tablet/Mobile are available at bottom left corner in TemplateToaster.
You can scale the image in tablet mode, at TemplateToaster -> Header -> foreground image-> Tablet mode -> Click on the foreground image -> set the height and width accordingly under format tab.

Do the same for mobile mode.
by nige (120 points)
Yes that's amazing, and works well. Still learning with this program, but very impressed so far.  Thank you.
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