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Hey, this is Mike
Let me know if you need any assistance
in HTML Website by gob (120 points)
And a few more questions:
1. How do I create a button is filled with color from left to right?
2. How do I create three-dimensional effect picture?
3. How do I create a slideshow Aside from what exists?
4. How do I delete a section exists on the site?

1 Answer

by james (5.3k points)

1) You can add the button filled with color effect from left to right by using the custom Css, at TemplateToaster -> General -> Css.
2) and 3) Please elaborate it with some example, that will be more convenient.
4) You can delete the particular cell in the content, at TemplateToaster -> Content -> Select the Cell you want to delete -> Cell -> click on the (-) icon to delete it.
Do the same for row under Content -> row section.

If you want to delete some other section than please specify it.
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