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in General Discussion by
I would like to see the ttr file added to the export option but I assume as part of the zip. My PC crashed and now I can't open the ttr. Is TT able to check and fix the ttr file? Can TT add a backup copy when a project is being saved?

3 Answers

As much as I am desperate to get this resolved, I was hoping for an answer by now. I sent a support request on Friday with the corrupt file as well and as yet no response. I will let everyone know the result. I note many have read this thread, please comment if you think it is a good idea.
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)

TemplateToaster automatically saves a backup file while you are working on a project. TemplateToaster asks to recover a project if it crashes.

TemplateToaster Support
by nickjheidl (140 points)
Some idea of the name of the backup copy would be appreciated as I canot see any backup copies of the 3 projects, let alone the crashed one. I went into C>windows>temp and found nothing recognizable.
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