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in Issues/Bugs by
Hi Guys,

Building a new WordPress design using the latest version ( and things were zipping along untill I ran into this error. :o

ATTENTION! (by Comprehensive Google Map Plugin)

Your blog/site theme or one of your plugins uses jQuery javascript library which is older than the version 1.3.0.
The Comprehensive Google Map plugin will not work with such outdated jQuery version.

The minimum jQuery requirement for Comprehensive Google Map plugin is version 1.3.0. Apologies for the inconvenience..

I validated it two ways... I used the plug-in within another project that I recently took over which uses the purchased theme OpenHouse Realestate and the plug-in works just fine. Secondly, I turned off ALL the plug-ins being used for the new project designed in TemplateToaster and unfortunately still get the error with the Comprehensive Google Map plug-in active... :(

Thanks in advance for looking into this.

2 Answers

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)

We are unable to produce the issue at our end. Please open a support ticket at http://templatetoaster.com/support with url to website.

TemplateToaster Support
Thanks, I've submitted a support ticket with more detailed explanation, etc.
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