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in Joomla Templates by tstmpr (260 points)
Hello everyone,

I greatly appreciate Template Toaster for it's accessibility and simple interface. I have recently bought and am using the Professional Edition :) . However, I have come across some unfortunate issues in designing my first Joomla template:

    1)I would like to draw Text areas inside the footer, but I do not know what the correct shortcut/menu tab is2) I have placed a RSS feed, linkedin and twitter button, edited the urls they point to (linkedin&twitter), but when I preview the site in, for instance, firefox, the linkedin button is displayed left and looks ugly,the twitter button doesn't display. The only button that displays correctly is the RSS feed button (but that one is always apparent in a footer I have noticed).3) I save my template a lot in between (minor) changes, but it seems like templatetoaster 'forgets' about some of the changes I made, because when I close template toaster and then open it again, the last couple of changes have been lost :| Although I know how to recreate most of it, this is rather unfortunate

Can someone explain to me what is going on? At first I thought the buttons were 'in between' module positions, but that does not seem to be the case... please see the attachments..



4 Answers

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
Please open a support ticket with your saved .ttr project file: http://templatetoaster.com/support
by tstmpr (260 points)
OK, I just did that. Hopefully someone from templatetoaster can tell me what I can do.. :)
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
This issue has been fixed in TemplateToaster 4.0 version.
by tstmpr (260 points)
yes, I know (got that information through the support ticket I had opened). This topic may be closed now :)
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