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in Issues/Bugs by johnmac (180 points)
I have just installed the latest version - I see an Editor tab in a tutorial.  In mine there is no tab next to Responsive layout - is that only with the paid version?  I can't edit the main content without the Editor commands.




1 Answer

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
In current TemplateToaster version(v5) content editing is supported only for HTML/CSS websites, you can select it under General Tab, in our next upcoming version(v6) it'll be available for WordPress too.
When will we see TemplateToaster V6?
by lisa-west (35.1k points)
New beta version of TemplateToaster has been released. You can download TemplateToaster 6.0 Beta from here: http://templatetoaster.com/download
Please review us after using TemplateToaster 6.0 Beta, so that we can improve it accordingly.
Thank You
by wyconcept (120 points)
When will it be available for Joomla!?  Please make it available too.  Many Artisteer users are waiting for this.
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