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in New Features Discussion by

I recently worked on a project using TT 3.1. I really love this tool, and I'm glad I purchased the pro version. During this project, I noted some improvements I'd like to see in future versions. I could solve some of them using custom CSS, but not all them are related to CSS. Here is a list of things that would be cool as future improvements:

- An "export" icon in the window top bar (ideally a customizable top bar, but I'm aware it's more work)
- Some keyboard shortcuts for most useful operations (save, export...)
- In the export window, remember the last "zip" or "folder" radio button choice
- Ability to disable the side bar menu completely on multi-column layouts (right now, I have to hide it through custom css)
- Having auto sizing sub-menus: currently we have to set a fixed width for all drop-down menus. So we sometimes have to set a big width just because we have one long item in one sub-menu, even if all other entries are short. The menu implementation should handle automatic width, depending on the longest item in the menu, like many templates do.
- Always have the possibility to set bottom, top, left and right margin and padding independently on all elements which have a "Margin" and "Padding" setting (for example, in the "More" dialog?)
- Having an "Alignment" setting for buttons (for example to choose the button alignment under the search box)
- Having a "Padding" setting for text boxes

I hope it will be useful to the TT team. Keep up the great work!


1 Answer

by niall (540 points)
The ability to adjust the size, margin and padding of text boxes would be appreciated here too.

Would also be nice to have nested menu items on the side menu instead of a flyout.


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