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in Issues/Bugs by tanvir (160 points)
edited by tanvir
I can not login in my Blogger account by using template toaster . I am sure that I have a good connection and give the email and password correctly. But it show 404 error. For this I cann't export my blogger template.

So I want to know how can i fix it ? Or is there any other way to export blogger template without login?

2 Answers

by sarah (15.2k points)
Please define the version of your TemplateToaster.
by tanvir (160 points)
Now I am using TemplateToaster
Please help me to fix this problem
by sarah (15.2k points)
The issue has been solved in the latest version of TemplateToaster You can download it from here http://templatetoaster.com/downloads/TemplateToaster.exe
by tanvir (160 points)
It is TemplateToaster
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