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in Issues/Bugs by

I'm using build, and it seems the search results page has issues. Divs are closed too many times, and after a few posts listed, the page appears broken.

If I edit the file "content.php" and remove the last "</div>" before "</article>", then the page structure is correct (unfortunately it breaks the normal blog articles listing). Could you have a look at it please?

Thank you! :)

6 Answers

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)

We have solved the issue in latest build( You can download latest version from http://templatetoaster.com/downloads/internal_versions/TemplateToaster.exe

TemplateToaster Support
I am really amazed by your reactivity and support! You guys really understood what customer service is!

You rock, thank you very much! 8-)
Sorry for the double post, but I downloaded the last internal version, and it is still Could you please update it?
Thank you! :)
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
Sorry, TemplateToaster is available on our downloads page: http://templatetoaster.com/download
Seems to work great now, thank you! :)
I'm using version 4 now and it seems the search page is broken again. when i search for something, the content area doesn't stretch with the search results and the footer is up near the main navigation and the sidebar is displaying in the middle way below the content. Thoughts?
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