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in New Features Discussion by cypherinfo (180 points)
Hello, why do not you add a feature to easy import a live web site layout and quick converting it to any of the available TemplateToaster options?

Thank you.

3 Answers

by 3olution (240 points)
The idea is brilliant, but it could apply only to simple html coded sites.
To use this method for Wordpress or Drupal themes will be a very difficult task.

Best regards
by cypherinfo (180 points)
Hello, to tell the truth many of the web sites are simple coded. I mean there are browser add on that let you download in a HTML/CSS folder all of the home page of a web site.
The point is to use them with a simple importing feature to create a joomla temmplate.
I guess even if that would be possible for joomla only it would be a great improvement for all of the joomla users of TemplateToaster.
Bye the way, are you one of the TemplateToaster developers?

Thank you.
by rosee143 (140 points)
you add a feature to easy import a live web site layout and quick converting it to any of the available TemplateToaster options?
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