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in General Discussion by kurisutian (160 points)
Hi everyone!

I just came across TT and testing the program as we speak. Since I am not happy with the current results Artisteer produces (messy code and incompatibility with my wordpress plugins I have to run) I was looking for alternatives when I found TT. So far so good I have a very good first impression with the trial version and also the template I created for testing seemed to work very good with my current wordpress running site.
One thing however is something I would have loved to see with TT which Artisteer also terribly lacks in. I'm talking about the ability to run the program under Linux. It does not need to be a native linux app (which would be a dream coming true) but maybe a version which is capable of being run through WINE under Linux. I currently tested it with the latest wine version but so far no luck for me. While artisteer at least installed and could be run (although it crashed every 3rd click or so and was basically unusable) TT could not be installed properly or being run through wine.
So I'm curious if it is possible to get some version out which might be usable directly under linux or at least through wine. I know there have been a couple of requests for artisteer which seemed to be totally ignored so far. Since TT left a better impression for what I want to do and the template created worked with wordpress and the plugins I am using, I would be totally interested if anything like that is planned in the neaby future?

Thanks for all information on that!

3 Answers

by panicosh (1.2k points)
Hi everyone!

I just came across TT and testing the program as we speak. Since I am not happy with the current results Artisteer produces (messy code and incompatibility with my wordpress plugins I have to run) I was looking for alternatives when I found TT. So far so good I have a very good first impression with the trial version and also the template I created for testing seemed to work very good with my current wordpress running site.
One thing however is something I would have loved to see with TT which Artisteer also terribly lacks in. I'm talking about the ability to run the program under Linux. It does not need to be a native linux app (which would be a dream coming true) but maybe a version which is capable of being run through WINE under Linux. I currently tested it with the latest wine version but so far no luck for me. While artisteer at least installed and could be run (although it crashed every 3rd click or so and was basically unusable) TT could not be installed properly or being run through wine.
So I'm curious if it is possible to get some version out which might be usable directly under linux or at least through wine. I know there have been a couple of requests for artisteer which seemed to be totally ignored so far. Since TT left a better impression for what I want to do and the template created worked with wordpress and the plugins I am using, I would be totally interested if anything like that is planned in the neaby future?

Thanks for all information on that!


I have the same question. I would like to run TT under Linux. I am not a supporter of WINE. Linux is much better than Windows, so once a person is after Linux there is no need to still using Windows applications. Of course, sometimes we still need to use a specific Windows application and we "forced" to use WINE. To be honest, I have my desktop workstation under Windows 7 and my Dell laptop with Ubuntu 13.10. It will be nice if I can run TT on laptop without needing of WINE, just pure Linux Template Toaster :)
By the way, as about Artisteer, they will answer your question on February 30 :D :D

We all left Artisteer to come to Template Toaster ;)
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
Sorry, currently TemplateToaster is not available for Linux.
by lets (100 points)
So the page https://blog.templatetoaster.com/best-bootstrap-editors/ under Best Bootstrap Editors Compared (2021) is not correct? Or is one old information??
by dj-gilmar-sonorizacao (100 points)
Poderiam informar quais são as dependências Windows para o TT funcionar?
Com essas informações posso configurar o Wine e rodar o TT no Linux.
by panicosh (1.2k points)
I hope TT would be available for Linux in the future.

To be honest, I cannot see this happening soon because if TT was made in Oracle for Windows ( that is why in the installation requirements, a .Net Framework is a mandatory ) then it has to re programmed in Oracle- Linux. Which will increase its price.

Maybe in the future TT would have a Linux Edition but with double price in order the creators of TT to cover the extra costs.

Is something the TT team will decide, if it's profitable for them to also have TT in Linux Edition, we cannot decide for them :lol:

So far TT made very good work with Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, Magento. Keep up the good job guys.
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