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in Issues/Bugs by xiddix2012 (220 points)
I upgraded to the latest version and spent the last 3 hours creating a Magento template. My problem is that I'm unable to save the .ttr file or export the template neither on a folder nor on a .zip file. I'm able to browse to the folder where I want to save the template, when I click save the pop-up save screen closes but nothing gets saved. I'm also unable to save the .ttr file.

4 Answers

by xiddix2012 (220 points)
By the way, I'm using the full version...
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
Which exact TemplateToaster version you are using ?, make sure you aren't trying to save in C drive restricted directories.
by xiddix2012 (220 points)
I'm using version I tried saving it on an external hard drive, as I always do, and also on my desktop, but neither worked.
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
Sorry for the issue.

Just go to General Tab > Bookmark your Template(extreme right option) > Close TemplateToaster > Open TemplateToaster > Load your Bookmarked Template and you should be able to save and export.
by gerald-mugandani (100 points)
Good Day. I am having the same problem with templatetoaster 6. I cannot export the html website and I cannot save a .ttr file. The above solution is not working.
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