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in Issues/Bugs by aj (220 points)

I have noticed that when you select colours manually with the code, at least the RGB Hex values are wrong. Even if you enter a figure there, it prepends FF to the RGB value.

Example process :

Header - Color - More Color.

Initial Hex RGB value shows 8 alphanumeric values (starting with FF). Should be only 6. If you edit those values, click on the other fields, it prepends FF to the values you inserted. If you modify the other fields, when it updates the HEX figures, it again prepends FF. Not sure if your other scRGB / RGB fields are affected as well. I have not checked if the generated HTML has issues either.

This has been noticed since your previous mini update, as well as the latest mini update you have released as of this post.

1 Answer

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)

The first two digits of hex value represents the alpha value of color.

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