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in Joomla Templates by simon (2.3k points)
Hi TT,
is there any way to give the content of a module a boarder that does not surround the header too? The option for a boarder only appear for the container or the header but not the content.

5 Answers

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)

We will add this option in future version.

TemplateToaster Support
by simon (2.3k points)
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)

We have added this option in latest build( You can download latest version from http://templatetoaster.com/downloads/internal_versions/TemplateToaster.exe

TemplateToaster Support
by simon (2.3k points)
It worked, thank you...but it has raised a new problem which I am going to have to sort a way of getting round!

Putting the boarder around content means all element in the sidebar have a boarder including custom html elements like buttons as you can see here: http://jtrstage.treboroughlodge.com/ so I will not be able to make anything else a sidebar element unless I have missed a trick here...anyone?
by simon (2.3k points)
Well I have tried everything I can think of and I cannot use the boarder which is annoying to say the least.

The problem is that everything is treated the same within the Module section so there is not distinction between buttons and latest news for example.

This really does limit the design possibilities!
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