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in Joomla Templates by trogladyte (1.4k points)
The 2 attached images should be fairly self-explanatory. I have the module headers set to H3, and H3 is set as Normal, yet, looking with Dev tools it shows as Bold.

I also want to be able to specify which modules display as what styling (viz a viz the way we did in Artisteer - art-block, art-nostyle, art-article. I cannot tell whether this is possible in TT or which position displays as what. If it is possible, what is the class I use to style it?

tt settings.jpg

actual site.jpg

2 Answers

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)

TemplateToaster style are overridden by another style


This style could be from some plugin. Try deactivating the plugins.

TemplateToaster Support
by trogladyte (1.4k points)
I'd appreciate some input on this please - from anyone. I've looked and looked, turned plugins off and on, and haven't yet tracked this down.
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