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in New Features Discussion by keithadv (1.4k points)
Template Toaster offers six bullet shapes, none of which are traditional bullets.

The most common bullet shape is the hyphen, followed by circles (both filled and unfilled) and squares (filled and unfilled). After that, one can begin to experiment with all the other stuff as well as shadows, etc.

It would be very useful if we had the most commonly used bullet shapes available. Thank you!

5 Answers

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)

We have added more bullets in the latest build( You can download latest version from http://templatetoaster.com/downloads/internal_versions/TemplateToaster.exe

TemplateToaster Support
by keithadv (1.4k points)
It's just amazing how quickly you guys are working on making this program great and how responsive you are to users.

I notice that you've moved the bullet selection to Content->Lists, which is great.

(Personally, I'd change the menu from Lists->Ordered List->Bullets to read Lists->Ordered List->Numbering )

However, when I look at Lists->Unordered List->Bullets, I don't actually see any new bullets, just the same six options that have always been there. What am I missing?
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)

We are sorry for the wrong build. Please download the build( from http://templatetoaster.com/downloads/internal_versions/TemplateToaster.exe

TemplateToaster Support
by keithadv (1.4k points)
Love it! Thank you! Better placement on the UI and the Lists->Ordered List->Style wording is a much better word choice.

If I could sneak one more thing on the wish list here it would be for a solid square bullet. Personally, it's the one I use the most. But I love having the other choices now.

Thanks for the fast updates! I think I found a bug in latest build, regarding bullets. If I try to set a margin bigger than 9 for bullets (through Lists->Unordered Lists->Typography->More->Margin) and then set it to 17 for example, then the generated CSS code is not the same.

With "9", we get:
#ttr_content ul li {
margin: 9px;

With 17, we get:
#ttr_content ul li {
margin: 17px 0;

Which doesn't give the same results.

Also, it would be really good to be able to set every margin independently (top, bottom, left and right) for finer tweaking (this suggestion also applies to other elements in TT).

Thank you!
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