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in General Discussion by simon (2.3k points)
Hi TT,
if I produce a project and either Save or Export it. Can a client open that project with the trial version of TT to view the projects progress if I email it to them please?


3 Answers

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
Sure, your client should be able to open and view your saved .ttr file using the trial version.
by simon (2.3k points)
Many thanks TT.

One more question. It says below when adding a post that "signatures can be altered via the UCP"...can you tell me how I get to that please. When I go to my account it just brings up the update account page which I have done but it just takes me back there every time I log in?

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)

You can add signature here. http://templatetoaster.com/forum/ucp.php?i=profile&mode=signature

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