Customer service
Hey, this is Mike
Let me know if you need any assistance
in General Discussion by aj (220 points)
Well, I just got my company to purchase a copy of TT since I think you got a potentially good thing going.

Keep updating it, listening to feedback, interacting in forum and just do your thing.

I have only one thing to ask - do you have changelog for whatever mini updates you release? I think there was an update about a week ago, but did not see any changelog to indicate what got fixed or what feature got added.

4 Answers

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
In earlier TemplateToaster versions there was no option to set the table border to 0px, we added it in latest update.
by aj (220 points)
Thank you for the fast response.

Maybe in the future you will consider updating your blog to include all such changelogs for minor updates too, especially since we may not be in a location with good bandwidth and we will have to consider if the update is worth doing immediately.

by aj (220 points)
There is another update from TT being downloaded as I type this.

Can we please know what this update fixed / changed?

Thank you.
by keithadv (1.4k points)
I agree. I LOVE the fact that they are working fast and furiously on improving this software. (I would be, too, if my competition was failing as badly as theirs is!). However, I would like to know what little changes they're making and some kind of changelog would be appreciated.

(Hint to TT--it would actually help your marketing too, for prospective customers to see how quickly you're making improvements...)
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