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in Joomla Templates by trogladyte (1.4k points)
My first template I've done in TT uses a darker sheet BG, with a light article BG. The problem is, and it's a big problem, is that the typography is shown against the sheet BG, not against the article BG, and this makes it difficult to design. This needs immediate attention please (see image).


2 Answers

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)

The typography you marked is used in page content. Article typography is different from it. You can change the article typography from Content -> Post ->Typography.

TemplateToaster Support
by trogladyte (1.4k points)
Hmmm, that's not quite what I'm seeing. If you look at http://ckdev.info/Beahm/resources, you will see that my "Post typography" is appearing in the "Article". Please see the attached image and confirm I am right in my assignment of what is what.

The problem I am seeing is that typography set under "Content" is displaying on boxes created in "Post" so it's impossible to see how it will look. This is so wrong. If I create an element in a particular category, the background set in that same category should be what it's displayed on.

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