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in General Discussion by arkofhope (900 points)
How do I get rid of the Sub Menu that appears when hovering over ABOUT?
Thanks :)

2 Answers

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)

Which cms are you using?

TemplateToaster Support
by arkofhope (900 points)
I'm using WordPress.

I've watched all the demos twice. I guess I don't understand what detailsI can do in TT & what I have to do in WP.

I mean, I love using your background / texture / gradient, etc for the header, menu bar, & entire page background. It's great.
I've put in my custom logo in the header & changed the header texts.
But then I actually downloaded into my WP site, and it has the old WP .......
:mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Wait, wait.......my IT hubby just reloaded WP, TT, forms, etc.....now the website looks normal & the TT menu is now taken over by my WP menu -- which is GOOD. So the tech-y thing he did worked. Ah, I can close the door to insanity ;)
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