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in HTML Website by
Hi everyone

This is the scenario, I want a slider on the Home page but I don't want it on sub pages, say the products page, can this be done? If not then what about a product slider that has it's own images but doesn't affect the Home page slider?

2 Answers

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
You can simply remove the header from the page where you don't want the slideshow. Click on the page where you don't need the slideshow(as shown in attached screenshot) and remove it under Layout drop down in the ribbon.

Well, I am now using TemplateToaster to create HTML web sites. I was using Artisteer, however, it seems that TemplateToaster meets my requirements well and truly. I am still having some unusual hicups but I hope to be able to get through them. Thanks for your reply. 10/10
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