in General Discussion by
Has anyone compared the output from TT with Artisteer for a similar template. Artisteer has worked OK for me so far but does generate very bloated code. Is TT any better in this respect? TT is looking very attractive so far...

7 Answers

I have used both, TT export very clean and optimized code, No jQuery. Amazing page load speed :D
by 2ninerniner2 (1.2k points)
Thought I would run some "non-scientific tests" to check :)

The Players:

TemplateToaster version - Full Version (TT)

Artisteer version - Standard Edition (ART)

WordPress 3.6 - fresh default install on HostGator; no plugins activated; only default 2013 theme and one each from TT and ART

The Method:

Each theme was created by starting the respective program, selecting the default "from scratch" method for a WordPress theme, and directly exporting as a ZIP; nothing else touched.

The Results:

ZIP file size:
2013 (downloaded from WP): 248 kb
TT: 138 kb
ART: 199 kb

- from Folder Properties after ZIP extraction

Size / Size on Disk:
2013: 397 kb / 540 kb
TT: 560 kb / 716 kb
ART: 530 kb / 724 kb

Files / Folders:
2013: 59 / 7
TT: 62 / 3
ART: 78 / 3

Validation - W3C Validators

HTML5 - 1 error - no pass
CSS3 - 30 errors / 58 warnings - no pass

HTML5 - 3 errors / 1 warning - no pass
CSS3 - 561 errors / 97 warnings - no pass

HTML5 - 1 Warning - passed
CSS3 - 5 errors / 92 warnings - no pass

Your "mileage" may vary :D
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)

We have improved the code in latest build( No of errors are significantly reduced. You can download latest version from

TemplateToaster Support
by 2ninerniner2 (1.2k points)
WOW!!! What a difference! :D

Same method, same theme created and installed on the same site:


HTML5 - 2 errors / 1 warning

CSS3 - 3 errors !!! :) / 137 warnings

What a change in the CSS3 errors! ... from 561 to 3!

You "guys" are awesome! :)
2ninerniner2, could you please make these two templates (one from Art and one from TT) totaly visualy identical and do some speed test with (for example) or and share results with us? :idea: :x
by 2ninerniner2 (1.2k points)
I ran the 2 tests on the same 3 themes, to keep things consistent. Besides, I am not about to fiddle around making them "look the same" :D
These are the 3 providers "out-of-the-box" default themes.




WP 2013



by 2ninerniner2 (1.2k points)
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