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Has anyone compared the output from TT with Artisteer for a similar template. Artisteer has worked OK for me so far but does generate very bloated code. Is TT any better in this respect? TT is looking very attractive so far...

7 Answers

I have used both, TT export very clean and optimized code, No jQuery. Amazing page load speed :D
by 2ninerniner2 (1.2k points)
Thought I would run some "non-scientific tests" to check :)

The Players:

TemplateToaster version - Full Version (TT)

Artisteer version - Standard Edition (ART)

WordPress 3.6 - fresh default install on HostGator; no plugins activated; only default 2013 theme and one each from TT and ART

The Method:

Each theme was created by starting the respective program, selecting the default "from scratch" method for a WordPress theme, and directly exporting as a ZIP; nothing else touched.

The Results:

ZIP file size:
2013 (downloaded from WP): 248 kb
TT: 138 kb
ART: 199 kb

- from Folder Properties after ZIP extraction

Size / Size on Disk:
2013: 397 kb / 540 kb
TT: 560 kb / 716 kb
ART: 530 kb / 724 kb

Files / Folders:
2013: 59 / 7
TT: 62 / 3
ART: 78 / 3

Validation - W3C Validators

HTML5 - 1 error - no pass
CSS3 - 30 errors / 58 warnings - no pass

HTML5 - 3 errors / 1 warning - no pass
CSS3 - 561 errors / 97 warnings - no pass

HTML5 - 1 Warning - passed
CSS3 - 5 errors / 92 warnings - no pass

Your "mileage" may vary :D
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)

We have improved the code in latest build( No of errors are significantly reduced. You can download latest version from http://templatetoaster.com/downloads/TemplateToaster.exe

TemplateToaster Support
by 2ninerniner2 (1.2k points)
WOW!!! What a difference! :D

Same method, same theme created and installed on the same site:


HTML5 - 2 errors / 1 warning

CSS3 - 3 errors !!! :) / 137 warnings

What a change in the CSS3 errors! ... from 561 to 3!

You "guys" are awesome! :)
2ninerniner2, could you please make these two templates (one from Art and one from TT) totaly visualy identical and do some speed test with (for example) http://www.webpagetest.org/ or http://tools.pingdom.com and share results with us? :idea: :x
by 2ninerniner2 (1.2k points)
I ran the 2 tests on the same 3 themes, to keep things consistent. Besides, I am not about to fiddle around making them "look the same" :D
These are the 3 providers "out-of-the-box" default themes.




WP 2013



by 2ninerniner2 (1.2k points)
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