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Hey, this is Mike
Let me know if you need any assistance
in HTML Website by
Hi guys.

Like many others I am using the trial version of TT. It is an impressive piece of software. (I am using the latest version as of today 21st August)
However, there are still issues within certain parts.

1. When I export, not ALL the files are included. I have tried with your internal FTP, and also Filezilla, but cannot achieve a correct export.
Previewing in the browser is fine, but not on a live version.
Certainly on export, items like icons in the sidebar (selected from your samples) do not export. If this is because it is a trial version, I would hope you can change this as when uploaded the icon is missing, and the whole sidebar does not display correctly.
You can view this on my spare test site http://www.chuftybillasitgoes.co.uk/

2. Another issue is I can create additional pages, but not ALL of them appear in the list of internal pages, so I cannot add them to my menu.

3. In the Hyperlink button in editor you cannot link to internal pages, you must enter the full URL. (An internal page list would be a good feature)

4. I also cannot find a way to change the menu items in the sidebar from page to page. In my example I would like to remove the link to the contact page ON the contact page. There is no need for it to be there. But on my contact page in TT there is no way to edit the sidebar. This is an important omission.

I have a question. After export can I load the generated pages into Dreamweaver so I can add repeating regions, database connections, change html to php pages etc?

I am going to continue using the trial version for now, so I can get faster using it.
I will certainly purchase TT in the future when some of these issues have been ironed out.
Im sure TT will gain many users of artiseer when its issues have been corrected.
I think personally that many people who use the trial will be wary to buy TT in case the issues are not corrected within their licensed year for fear of having to pay another 40% in the future.

Keep up the good work!

Sincerely Scorpio66

5 Answers

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)

*1 We have solved the issue in latest build( You can download latest version from http://templatetoaster.com/downloads/TemplateToaster.exe

*2 We are unable to produce the issue. Please provide the ttr file.

*3 We are working on this, will provide a updated version in couple of days.

*4 We have added this option to our feature list . It will be implemented in future version.

You can edit pages generated by TemplateToaster in any editor including Dreamweaver.

TemplateToaster Support
Hi guys.

1. I have clicked on update from within TT, and I am informed there are no updates available. :?

2. I cannot provide the ttr file as I am running the Pro trial version

3 & 4. I look forward to the updates.

Although it has teething problems I have decided to purchase TT. I will uninstall, then install latest build from your website then activate.
I will inform you then of any other issues I find, as I can then provide the ttr file.

Sincerely Chris
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)

Internal builds are not available on update channel. You can download it from provided url.

TemplateToaster Support
by ttfollower (140 points)

I have now purchased the Pro Version with .net framework.
The link you have provided for the latest download is just TemplateToaster.Exe

Is this the correct file?

I have just activated the software. Do I need to deactivate first?

Regards Chris
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)

Ya this is correct one.

You don't need to deactivate TemplateToaster. Just install the new update, it will remain activated.

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